With a slight detour to CFS Alert!

30 November 2011 to 30 May 2012

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March totals:

Swim - 9.92 km 4 hrs 11 mins 50 secs

Bike (all trainer) - 10 hrs 45 mins

Run - 97.12 km 14 hrs 27 mins 04 secs

It didn't feel like I was doing a whole lot (guess that I am getting used to higher training volumes).

For April, I am finally getting to do some higher heart rate stuff on the run - yippee!

Left leg straightened itself on it's own, so just the normal chiro tune up at the end of the week :)

Editted to add today's run - oops.


Bryan said...

Still, looks impressive. Hopefully it warms up for you in April.

eme said...

B- I wish, that and for the roads to get cleaned up.

Speaking of which, I should call about getting my bike in for a tune up!