On the wall by my desk, I have this picture posted:
I have it up as motivation and a reminder of the training I need to do to be ready for the Calgary 70.3 on August 1st.
I have worked in this office since April of last year and there are only about twenty of us in all for the whole office. Today, one of the guys saw my the picture on the wall (while I was at the gym doing a run) and asked if someone is doing that race.
My office mate, G told him that I do triathlon and that was the race that I am doing this summer.
Even though I am in the military and we are required to keep physically fit and are given work time to go to the gym, I still found it amusing that he had no clue about me.
I guess that I identify myself as a triathlete a lot more than I thought I did.
Might explain the wetsuit (currently in the closet in the midst of winter hibernation) along with the near constant stink of chlorine on my skin, the bike set up on the trainer in the living room/dining room and the numerous pairs of runners that I have scattered throughout the house.